About Us
Frostbland has a rich history in marketing
and distributing beauty products throughout
Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific Islands.
Established in 1949, Frostbland has built iconic brands and today distributes prestige and mass brands in cosmetics, fragrances and skincare. The company has developed long term relationships with both retailers and suppliers throughout the world.
Frostbland is a privately owned Australian company with offices in Sydney Australia and Auckland New Zealand.
Brands We Work With
Charities We Proudly Support
Women’s and Girl’s Emergency Centre (WAGEC) is a non-government, NFP charitable organisation that proudly delivers a range of crisis and early intervention accommodation and support services to women, children and young people who are experience or at risk of homelessness and/or domestic and family violence.
Look Good Feel Better is a free national community service program run by the Cancer Patients Foundation, dedicated to teaching cancer patients how to manage the appearance related side-effects caused by cancer treatment.